Bamburi-Mombasa County 0110096615/0746995191


Home Services
Our Products

We offer a variety of products.

Business Loans

This facility is designed to support the growth and development of micro enterprises/small-scale business clients who have been in business for the past 6-12 months.
Main features :
* Flexible interest rates and repayment period
* A minimum of Two Guarantors
* Mpesa/bank account Disbursement upon approval
* Collateral is movable items including household items, logbooks, motor vehicles etc.
* Same day loan

Emergency Loans

This product is designed to meet emergency needs of individuals with regular income such as small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and employees of reputable institutions.
Product features :
* Affordable and flexible interest rates
* A minimum of 2 working guarantors
* Instant Mpesa/bank account Disbursement
* Collateral is movable items including household items

Education loans

This product is designed to cater for school fees for existing clients, their dependants /children. Must have serviced at least 2 loans with us.
Features :
* Affordable and flexible interest rates
* Minimum of 2 working guarantors
* Instant Mpesa/Bank account Disbursement to the school account or cheque in favor of the school
* Collateral is movable items including household items

Water Tank Loans

Ideal for water storage at home or commercial use.
Features :
* Existing clients who have serviced 1st loan without default
* Instant Mpesa/Bank account Disbursement or cheque written to supplier of choice.

Ng’arisha Nyumba

This loan is most suited for purchase of household items such as TVs, Mattresses,Sofasets and Fridges etc.
Features :
* Affordable and flexible interest rates
* A minimum of 2 working guarantors
* Disbursement done to Mpesa or cheque in favor of the supplier
* Collateral is movable items including household items

Roofing Loans

Ideal of clients who would want to replace traditional roofing materials (Makuti with modern iron sheets).

Green energy Loans

For supply of solar equipment for lighting of homes and business premises, phone charging etc. The institution also funds energy-saving jikos and gas-cooker all aimed at enabling a cleaner and healthy environment.

Agricultural Loans

These are loan products tailored to support farmers engaged in dairy, poultry and other type of farming.

Asset loans

This is aimed at acquisition of movable and capital assets such as fridges, deep freezers, motorbikes, tuk tuks, posh mills, motor vehicles etc meant for utilization in income generating activities.

Mwezi Kona

We avail quick cash to Employed Staff who require cash immediately to finance their personal needs.
Mwezi Kona product comes in two categories :
1. Salary advance- Employer arranged
This is designed to give employees of selected organizations, small and medium enterprises access to quick salary Advances at the comfort of their offices.
Main features:
* Borrow Up to 60% of the net pay.
* Staff gets Quick, same day advances at the comfort of their desks
* Same day Advances to be recovered at pay day by Wonderfulpeople Ltd.
* No Employer Involvement
* Two Guarantors
* Instant Mpesa/Bank account Disbursement

2. Salary advance- Individual arrangement
This is available to staff who opt to make individual arrangement with Wonderfulpeople Limited for a salary advance.
Main features:
* Borrow Up to 50% OF the net pay
* Affordable and flexible interest rates
* Two guarantors
* Letter of employment and 3 months’ pays lip
* Instant MPESA/Bank account Disbursement

Get In Touch

P.O. Box 1655-80100 Mombasa


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